Weekly Wrap Up #9

Hello Friends! 
Happy Friday! How did you fill your week this time around? I finally got back to doing a little of this, started a new book, and did some batch cooking last Sunday which means, consequently, I ate WAY too many meatballs throughout the week. I also communed with nature for a few solo hours last Saturday and came back exhausted and refreshed
Let's jump in to this list!

"There is a reservoir of untapped potential waiting to be released by you". Adding this to my List of Media to Consume when I'm Feeling Uninspired. 

The BBC added over 40 hours of Beautiful Planet II bonus video and I am seriously looking forward to spending some quality time with it. 

"Spend enough time in a state of frenetic shallowness and you permanently reduce your capacity to perform deep work" Woah! I'll make sure, when I'm watching the Beautiful Planet videos, to ONLY be watching them, and not checking my phone or Facebook...

PSA to Nice Girls: It's not rude to say no, setting boundaries is healthy, and having emotions doesn't make you crazy or invalid. I want to scream this whole article from the rooftops. BRB I'm going to practice my Resting Bitch Face in the mirror. 

Cliteracy - 21 things millennials should know about the Clitoris: Something else I'd like to scream from the rooftops. De-mystifying and De-scandalizing women's sex and pleasure is a win for everyone. 

Real men might get made fun of: Hmm looks like the theme this week is standing up for yourself and others and this link is no different.
Men, your voices carry. Use them loudly and often to stand up for those that can't. 

Trust yourself to make decisions instead of always seeking advice: Trust your gut. Value your own input. Own your decisions. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. You can always course correct. But you've got to make a choice and act on it, first!!! 

That's all for now, friends. Let's drink hot coffee and just drink hot coffee this weekend, ya know? Let's take the advice above and turn our phones off for a while, get out of the shallowness of "busy" and do some deep work. I can't wait to hear what that looks like for you.

Have fun, be safe, and love on each other.